UNESCO interviews AIJC president on addressing racial discrimination through MIL

UNESCO interviews AIJC president on addressing racial discrimination through MIL

AIJC President Ramon R. Tuazon is featured in the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Experts Speak interview series, where he talks about the role of media and information literacy (MIL) in empowering citizens to resist stereotyping, hate, and discrimination.

Tuazon explains how MIL empowers individuals with competencies in critical thinking and analysis, which enable them to become more discerning and to take action when they encounter media messages and information that “promote or perpetuate intolerance, negative stereotyping, and spread of discrimination and prejudice.”

“MIL provides the competencies required in intercultural (interethnic) communication and interreligious (interfaith) dialogue,” Tuazon adds. “These competencies include understanding commonalities among diverse groups/sectors; respect and value differences; tolerance and openness to differences; and building trust and enabling understanding and harmony.”

Read the full interview here.

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