Online Video Conferencing on Digital Divide: Readings
The Second Philippine Communication Centrum Forum on Development Changes
in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication and the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines and Partnership with MosCom, Inc. and CITEM
- The UNESCO Medium Term Strategy for Asia and the Pacific Final Draft June 2002 Source:
- UNDP Human Development Report 2001, Today Technological Transformation-creating the network age
- Unleashing human creativity: national strategies
- APO Study on the Digital Divide-Country Paper on the Philippines
- Globalization: People First. Source : UNESCO Sources No. 137 - September 2001
- Bridging the Digital Divide. Source : UNESCO Sources No. 137 - September 2001
Resource Links
- Spanning the Digital Divide: Understanding and Tackling the Issues
- Pinoy Internet: Philippine Case Study
- ICT-Development in the Philippines
- Philippine Internet Commerce Society