media museum

The Media Museum features the history and evolution of communication in the Philippines. It also includes luminaries in communication and mass media, media trends, and electronic photo display of communication artifacts and landmarks.

Who's Who in Communication Education


Dr. Delia R. Barcelona

Delia Rarela-Barcelona was the third Dean of the College of Mass Communication of the University of the Philippines (Diliman). She served from 1991 to 1994.

She is currently Senior Technical Officer of the Technical Support Division of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Headquarters in New York City. Before joining the United Nations, she served as consultant to international organizations working in the area of population communication and development in various countries across the globe.

She has had extensive experience in designing, implementing and evaluating communication programmes, including the conduct of regional and national training and research activities on various development topics. Her publications include over a dozen books on communication, information technology, and continuing education.

At the United Nations, as Senior Technical Officer, she provides programming and policy guidance, globally, to UNFPA supported programmes in population, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, adolescents and youth, culture, human rights and gender equality. Specifically, she oversees many programmes and projects related to education, advocacy and behaviour change communication, especially as they relate to programmes for adolescents and youth. As focal point for education, she also provides technical guidance on UNFPA's support to global initiatives on girls’ education, literacy and education for all. All these tasks require advocacy and strategic communication skills at all times.

Her Works

“One of my greatest challenges as Dean of UP CMC was to lead a faculty group that included two former Deans, one of them my greatest mentor and supporter, the late Gloria Feliciano (GF).”

While serving UP as Professor and former Dean, she taught, researched, gave public lectures, counseled students, chaired and moderated committees, served in advisory boards, technical working groups, and task forces, wrote publications and articles, did public relations and public information, appeared in media interviews and panels, chaired the graduate department and administered the entire College. She also represented UP and the Philippines in many local and international conferences and meetings practicing interpersonal communication at all times. She thus considers herself a practicing communicator, in every sense of the word.

As a former faculty member of the UP College of Mass Communication, Dr. Barcelona taught a wide range of communication and development subjects. She taught courses like Mass Media and Society, Communication Research, Public Information, Communication Theory, Communication and Socio-cultural Change, Popular Culture, Cross-cultural Research, Communication Evaluation, Communication Networks, Comparative Communication Systems, Communication and Public Opinion. She also advised many graduate and under graduate student thesis writers, and chaired several dissertation panels of Ph.D. students, both at the College of Mass Communication and other disciplines (Sociology, Phil. Studies, Anthropology, among others).

From her recollection, she has contributed to UP-CMC’s history through these means:

  1. Strengthened emphasis on curricular reform, which included more focus on socio-cultural and socio-psychological dimensions of communication and mass media.
  2. Closer linkages with other colleges in terms of offering cross-disciplinary programmes with other UP units (i.e. Business Communication with the College of Business Administration, Political Communication with the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), Health Communication with the School of Public Health, and Population Culture with the CSSP Department of Sociology, Advertising with the College of Fine Arts, among others).
  3. Reviews of policy guidelines on internship, faculty promotions, etc.
  4. Development of a major proposal (including negotiations with the Sony Corporation) for a media center in UP.
  5. Technical guidance in the establishment of the UP Open University.
  6. Establishment of UP-CMC as a WHO Collaborating Center for the training of reporters and journalists on health matters.
  7. Setting up the first university-based graduate programme on communication and social mobilization with funding support from UNICEF.
  8. Procurement of computers and video equipment for the College.