media museum

The Media Museum features the history and evolution of communication in the Philippines. It also includes luminaries in communication and mass media, media trends, and electronic photo display of communication artifacts and landmarks.

Who's Who in Communication Education


Georgina R. Encanto

As Dean of the U.P. College of Mass Communication from 1985-1991, she made the academic programs of the College more responsive to the changing needs of the Philippines as well as of the Asia-Pacific region. She also started the Lopez Jaena Workshop for Community Journalists which ran for seven years and was participated in by over 200 community journalists.

Her fields of specialization include feature writing, technical reporting, newsletter writing and production, popular culture and gender issues in media.

Georgina R. Encanto, an A.B. English and Comparative Literature (Magna cum laude) graduate of the University of the Philippines, was the Dean of the U.P. College of Mass Communication from 1985-1991. As Dean, she initiated a comprehensive review of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum to update and make the academic programs of the College more responsive to the changing needs of Philippine society as well as of Asia and the Pacific, cognizant of the role of the College as a training center for media professionals in the country and the region.

Among the new courses instituted during her administration were a course on Mass Communication Ethics, Fundamentals of Communication Planning, Introduction to Computer Technology, Mass Media and Society.

The Humanities and Social Sciences components of the program, through electives in these disciplines, were strengthened.

She also started the Lopez Jaena Workshop for Community Journalists which was conducted for seven consecutive years and was participated in by over 200 community journalists. During her term, the Institute was elevated to a college in recognition of its capability to offer full-fledged communication programs in Journalism, Broadcast Communication, Communication Research and Film, the only one in the country to do so.

Dean Encanto revived the Philippines Communication Journal to serve as a forum for the academic discussion of media issues and the DZUP as a laboratory for the training of Broadcast Communication students.

She holds a Ph.D. in Philippine Studies and her fields of specialization are feature writing, technical reporting, newsletter writing and production, popular culture and gender issues in media.

Source: Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE)