media museum

The Media Museum features the history and evolution of communication in the Philippines. It also includes luminaries in communication and mass media, media trends, and electronic photo display of communication artifacts and landmarks.

Who's Who in Communication Education


Josefina S. Patron

JOSEFINA S. PATRON has been connected with the National Brodcasting Network (formerly People's Television Network) where she has been Consultant for Planning and Research since 1988.

She holds a doctorate degree, specialist's and master's degrees in communication and radio-television education with minor in journalism from Indiana University, USA and a Bachelor of Arts, major in English from the Far Eastern University, magna cum laude

Dr.Patron was the founding chairperson of the Department of Communication, Ateneo de Manila University, and held the academic rank of Associate Professor in Communication up to 1973 when she joined government as Chief of the Office of Planning and Development of the National Media Production Center.

She has been involved with several national pioneering and innovative educational television and video projects such as the Continuing Studies in education via Television (CONSTEL), an interagency ETV project broadcast on NBN; Closed-Circuit Television Project of the Ateneo de Manila University; the Metropolitan ETV Project of the Ateneo Center for Educational Television; and the National VTR Information Education Dissemination Project of the NMPC, now the Philippine Information Agency (PIA).

Dr. Patron is regarded as one of the pioneers in communication education in the country. She is also recognized for her involvement in pioneering media and information projects of the ASEAN Permanent Committee on Mass Media, now the ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information.