media museum

The Media Museum features the history and evolution of communication in the Philippines. It also includes luminaries in communication and mass media, media trends, and electronic photo display of communication artifacts and landmarks.

Who's Who in Communication Education


Luis V. Teodoro

Full Professor of Journalism, former Dean of the College of Mass Communication of the University of the Philippines, managing editor of a journalism-monitoring quarterly, the Philippine Journalism Review. Columnist, editor and writer, Teodoro has written extensively on the problems of Philippine journalism as well as on various press issues.

A distinguished writer and editor, he has written several books, articles, essays, a manual for justice reporters. He won the Palanca Awards for Literature thrice among other writing awards which include the Carlos P. Romulo, Free Press and Graphic Awards for short story.

Source: Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE)

He is a former columnist of the Manila Standard and the Manila Times, as well as former editor of Midweek Magazine and of the alternative news agency Philippine News and Features (PNF).

He is the author of, among others, Mass Media Laws and Regulations in the Philippines (published 1998 by the Singapore based Asian Mass Media and Information Center}, Out of This Struggle: The Filipinos in Hawaii (published by the University of Hawaii, USA), Two Perspectives on Philippine Society and Literature (with E, San Juan Jr.), and The Summer of Our Discontent (A collection of critical essays). He contributed the lead essay in, and edited, Media in Court (1998), a manual for justice reporters, and was one of the editors of Community Communication: An Introduction. He has won the Palanca Awards for Literature thrice among other writing awards which include the Carlos P. Romulo. Free Press and Graphic Awards for the short story.

Professor Teodoro has written extensively on the problems of Philippine journalism as well as on various press issues. Most of these articles appeared in The Philippine Journalism Review. He has two books being prepared for publication: a Handbook on Investigative Journalism, and a Manual on Journalism in Filipino.

Source: Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE)