communication museum

A resource on information or knowledge useful for making strategic decisions in development issues. Features conferences, fora, best practices or communication strategies that work, and in depth researches on communication.


Policy RA 8792: Electronic Commerce Act
Date issued  
Document Description This act aims to facilitate the use of electronic transactions by the government and the general public, as well as the recognition of the authenticity of electronic data and documents.
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Policy Board Resolution 2004-02: Approving and Adopting the Training Regulations for the ICT Sector – Medical Transcription
Date issued February 5, 2004
Document Description The document outlines the rules regulating training institutions and programs for those who will work in medical transcription facilities
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Policy NCC MC 2003-01 Guidelines on Compliance to E-commerce Act
Date issued July 31, 2003
Document Description The circular provides guidelines for government agencies to advance their websites to higher levels in the UN-ASPA stages of e-government.   Annexes are the UN-ASPA Stages of E-government and format for webmaster reports
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