communication museum

A resource on information or knowledge useful for making strategic decisions in development issues. Features conferences, fora, best practices or communication strategies that work, and in depth researches on communication.


Policy NCC MC 2004-01: Repealing NCC MC 99-02
Date issued June 7, 2004
Document Description This circular explains pertinent parts of RA 9184 concerned with procurement of ICT products and services.
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Policy NCC MC 2001-01: Guidelines in Leasing Hardware, Software, Networks and Solutions Based Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Resources
Date issued July 31, 2003
Document Description The circular amends NCC MC 99-01 and provides a revised format for the Information Systems Strategic Plans submitted by government agencies.  It defines the role of the agency IS planner and NCC.
Attached file
URL address
Policy Republic Act 9184
Date issued July , 2002
Document Description An act providing the modernization, regulation and standardization of the procurement activities of the government and for other purposes.
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Policy ICT Advisory No. 2002-01
Date issued March 22, 2002
Document Description Accreditation or registration of IT Solutions Provider or ICT Vendors
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Policy Executive Order (EO No. 40)
Date issued February 8, 2002
Document Description Consolidating Procurement Rules and Procedures for all Governement Agencies, Government Owned or Controlled Corporations and Government Financial Institutions and Requiring the Use of the Government Electronic Procurement System
Attached file
EO No. 40 (63.4kb)
URL address htttp://