communication museum

A resource on information or knowledge useful for making strategic decisions in development issues. Features conferences, fora, best practices or communication strategies that work, and in depth researches on communication.

Public Information

Policy Executive Order (EO No.348)
Date issued August 11, 2004
Document Description Creating the office of the Communications Director to direct the operations of offices in the Public Sector Mass Media and the Public Information System of the Government.
Attached file
Executive Order 348 (10.0kb)
URL address  
Policy Executive Order (EO No. 334)
Date issued July 20, 2004
Document Description Abolishing the Information Technology and Electronics Commerce Council and transfering its budgets, assets, personnel, programs and projects to the Commission on Information and Communications Technology.
Attached file
EO No. 334 (63.4)kb)
URL address htttp://
Policy Executive Order (EO No. 269)
Date issued July 12, 2004
Document Description Creating the Commission on Information and Technology The EO defines the structure of the Commission, its function and responsibilities
Attached file
Executive Order 269 (74.0kb)
URL address  
Policy ICT Advisory No. 2004-1
Date issued May 28, 20004
Document Description Inclusion of website address and official electronic mail (e-mail) address in all official communication materials
Attached file
ICT Advisory No. 2004-1 (13.0kb)
URL address htttp://
Policy Administrative Order No. 86
Date issued November 2003
Document Description Directing all government agencies and instrumentalities including local governments units, to render full asssistance and cooperation in the creation of appropriate linkages of their Electronic Database with the Executive Information System of the Office of the President.
Attached file
Administrative Order No. 86 (10.0kb)
URL address