About the PPASJ Monitoring Table

The PPASJ Monitoring Table is a tool to facilitate the recognition and monitoring of initiatives related to the Philippine Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists (PPASJ) by various stakeholders. Specifically, these initiatives refer to those relevant to the five PPASJ flagship areas: (1) Integrity and Professionalism; (2) Conducive Working Conditions; (3) Safety and Protection Mechanisms; (4) Criminal Justice System; and (5) Public Information, Journalism Education, and Research.

The table is also envisioned to facilitate coordination among these stakeholders who may wish to collaborate toward achieving the objectives of the PPASJ.

What can users find in the PPASJ Monitoring Table?

The PPASJ Monitoring Table lists safety and protection initiatives aligned with the flagship areas of the PPASJ. These initiatives were implemented, or are being implemented, by various stakeholders from media, civil society, academia, the private sector, government agencies, and constitutional bodies.

Several initiatives listed in the mapping were not developed as part of the PPASJ. However, they are included in the mapping because of their alignment with the flagship areas and actions proposed in the PPASJ.

How can stakeholders contribute to and update the PPASJ Monitoring Table? You are welcome to fill out this MS Form to provide your inputs.

The PPASJ Secretariat will verify the information submitted and update the table.

Philippine Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists (PPASJ):

Mapping of Safety Initiatives Based on the PPASJ Action Plan and Flagship Areas


Journalist Safety Advisory Group (JSAG) members
Non-members of JSAG: Government and Constitutional Bodies
Non-members of JSAG: CSOs, Academia, Private Sector

Activity under the IMS-AIJC Safeguarding Journalists and Human Rights in the Philippines Project

Action Output Institution Activity Date/Period Funder
Work for the creation of an independent, multi-sector and multi- stakeholder National Press Council · Working group set up · Agreement on structure of national press council · Lobbying strategies developed · National press council formed Philippine Press Institute (PPI) Virtual forum on “Media Accountability and the Press Council” Luzon Leg February 24, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Virtual forum on “Media Accountability and the Press Council ” Visayas Leg April 11, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Virtual forum on “Media Accountability and the Press Council” Mindanao Leg April 27, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Forum on “Incentivizing the PPI News Commons and Creation of Media Councils” (in Batangas City, with Luzon PPI members and council members) June 8-9, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Forum on “Incentivizing the PPI News Commons and Creation of Media Councils” (in Iloilo City, with Visayas members and council members) June 15-16, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Forum on “Incentivizing the PPI News Commons and Creation of Media Councils” (in Davao City, with Mindanao members and council members) June 27-28, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Launch of journalism fellowship on “Health and Local Governance” for 30 journalists August 12, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
The Media-Citizens Councils Launch and Forum August 19, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Media Accountability and the Press Council, an “orientation and workshop on the creation of a Media Citizen Council” (first of a series, for Central Luzon, attended by media practitioners, lawyers, academics, members of Chamber of Commerce, members of Central Luzon Media Association, police, and representatives from local government units) March 21-22, 2023 Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands through Ateneo de Manila University
Encourage media houses to perform internal review/assessment of performance and professionalism of male and female journalists and media workers, towards strengthening self-regulation and adherence to ethical standards · Internal review/assessment conducted · Assessment report generated · Assessment results used as guide in updating broadcast standards and code of ethics · Updated standards and code popularized in various media platforms · Related knowledge products developed and campaigns launched Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) Content on media ethics and responsibility and excellence and best practices in journalism on the CMFR website,  including the Media Monitoring and Review Ongoing
Internews Philippines Health Journalism Network – encourages and promotes a professional code of conduct for media professionals covering health 2021
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Ethical Guide for Filipino Journalists (link) 2021 USAID-Internews
Philippine Press Institute (PPI) and Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Assessment and updating of the PPI Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct in Covering Elections, under the Strengthening Safety of Journalists and Professional Journalistic Standards in the Philippines Project. PPI and AIJC conducted consultations with PPI members nationwide before finalizing the Code, and PPI disseminated the updated Code among PPI members via email and chat groups. 2021 UNESCO Jakarta with support from the Netherlands

Action Output Institution Activity Date/Period Funder
Develop and sustain campaign on journalists and media workers’ rights at work · Human rights (HR) education modules with emphasis on women’s rights and gender issues developed in partnership with CHR · Occupational safety and health (OSH) education modules developed in partnership with DOLE · HR/OSH training activities conducted in partnership with CHR, DOLE Bulatlat Module on Human Rights Reporting for Filipino Journalists (2018), a printed material/handbook 2018 EU
Internews Philippines #InformationSavesLives campaign provides updates from journalists on how they are coping with COVID-19 coverage and maintaining their operations. The campaign calls for donations to the Rapid Response Fund to help meet journalists’ needs. 2020
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Nonoy Espina Emergency Fund for Media Workers Starting July 8, 2021 
Online Educational Discussion on Economic Rights and Welfare under Philippine Labor Laws October 21, 2022 International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia-Pacific
Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) In partnership with · Commission on Human Rights (CHR) · Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) – through the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations (OJ7) and the Human Rights Office (HRO) · Philippine National Police (PNP) – through the Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO) · Ninoy and Cory Aquino Foundation (NCAF) · Alternative Law Groups (ALG) · Hanns Seidel Foundation Module on Human Rights Defenders Protection Training (Multi-Sectoral Human Rights Training Handbook) – a module that is a product of a multi-stakeholder collaboration under the Community-Based Dialogue Sessions on Human Rights Project 2016 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Work for the establishment of an industry-wide workers’ association of full-time and freelance journalists and other media workers to ensure compliance with international standards and national laws/policies · Series of consultations conducted and recommendations published and disseminated · Industry-wide workers association formed and functioning · Cooperatives for freelance journalists formed and functioning · Insurance scheme for journalists and media workers developed in partnership with corporate sector · Media development organizations, press and broadcast associations, CSOs and NGOs
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) A Feasibility Study on Establishing a Guild for Filipino Freelance Journalists November 19, 2022 – launching International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia-Pacific
Review labor laws and their implementation in relation to welfare and protection of media workers and make recommendations · Scope and limitations of journalists’ employment defined · Baseline survey conducted on the salaries and wages of journalists ·Recommendations submitted to DOLE, media owners, and press associations · Government agencies, media houses and news organizations, media development organizations, academia, press and broadcast associations
Advocate for the ratification of international protocols and conventions on occupational safety and health, employment relations and labor standards · Media companies monitored to have been following OSH protocols and conventions · International conventions and protocols reviewed by relevant institutions · Lobbying activities in Congress conducted · Media companies monitored to have been addressing psychosocial welfare of journalists Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Statement of support for the Media Workers Welfare Act
Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMS) Support for the Media Workers Welfare Act: Actively worked with the House party list representative
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Support for the Media Workers Welfare Act: Submitted comments on Media Workers’ Welfare bills to the Senate Committee on Labor, Employment and Human Resources Development · Joined the 18th Congress’ Technical Working Group (TWG)
Center for Community Journalism and Development (CCJD) Post-Disaster Accountability Journalism in the Philippines – a two-day consultation and interfacing workshop on the role of media in doing a “watchdog” after a natural disaster would hit a locality Last week of October 2022 IMS, VERA Files
Advocate with media houses/owners to fulfil duty of care obligations and observe OSH standards · Media houses have institutionalized safety policies/ programs such as creation of an office/committee on journalist safety concerns (including equal working conditions for men and women), designation of safety officers (with gender sensitivity training), safety training for men and women (addressing all aspects of safety including gender-specific issues), safety protocols, and provision of personal safety equipment/gear · Safety committees in newsrooms formed and monitored to be functional · Psychosocial welfare/self-care system operationalized · Relevant provisions for female journalists in the Magna Carta of Women, especially in relation to maternity benefits, observed.
· Move for the operationalization of the Industry Tripartite Council (ITC) for the media sector at the national and local levels · ITC agreements signed and council for the media sector organized · Media houses and news organizations, media development organizations, press and broadcast associations, government agencies, international organizations and UN agencies Background information: The Broadcast Industry Tripartite Council (BrITC) in the National Capital Region (NCR) advocates “programs on working conditions, particularly occupational safety and health and productivity improvement.” (link) Officers and members of the Broadcast Industry Tripartite Council (BrITC) joined the Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) Training held at the GMA 7 Network Center (link) A member of the PCOO Legislative team inquired on “the members of the BrITC for the purposes of lobbying for the MWWA currently pending in Congress.” (link) Related articles: OSHC mulls work safety standards for broadcast industry (link) Solons Push for More Work Benefits For Media Workers (link)

Action Output Institution Activity Date/Period Funder
Institutionalize regular dialogues between media and state security forces · Mechanisms developed for continuing dialogues with state security forces · Cross-shared database on journalist safety-related information, e.g., case reports, statistics, survey results · Policy of transparency in the process of identifying prospective members of the MSAB/MSAG developed · Collaboration and coordination with DOJ/NBI enhanced Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Safeguarding Journalists and HRDs in the Philippines Project: Dialogues with state security forces AFP national dialogues · Civil-Military Operations (CMO), J7 · Center for Law of Armed Conflict (AFP CLOAC) AFP online regional dialogue PNP national dialogue · Public Information Office (PIO) Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMS) and PNP Media Security Vanguards online meeting April-June 2022 EU, IMS
Strengthen mechanism and capacities for reporting and responding to attacks and threats against journalists and media workers · Indicators defining nature and character of attacks and threats developed and utilized, including gender-specific indicators · Reporting mechanism enhanced · Standardized safety training modules produced · Quick response mechanisms and strategies enhanced · Quick response training activities conducted · Quick response teams (QRTs) formed and functional · Existing DILG Public Assistance Centers tapped to address safety and security concerns of journalists especially at the local level and provide linkages with other relevant government agencies Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Safeguarding Journalists and HRDs in the Philippines Project: Strengthening provincial safety networks (PSNs) · Workshop with PSNs · Mobilization of point persons · Preparation of directory of PSNs July 2022  EU, IMS
Safeguarding Journalists and Human Rights Defenders in the Philippines Project: Creation of quick alerts Viber groups Starting March 18, 2022 EU, IMS
Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Task Force on Media-Related Extrajudicial Killings to monitor and investigate attacks against media workers Ongoing
Regional Offices in Bicol, Cebu and Cotabato as focal points for investigation and consolidation of cases and information on media safety and welfare Ongoing
Contact Center ng Bayan, a direct line to public service (link) Ongoing
Bantay Karapatan sa Halalan (BHK), an initiative that monitored and reported cases of human rights violations related to elections Up to May 9, 2022
Certificate Course on Human Rights 101 for the General Public, a free 5-hour online training to spread awareness of the concepts and principles of Human Rights June 13-17, 2022
Certificate Course on Human Rights 101 for the General Public (Second Batch), a free 5-hour online training to spread awareness of the concepts and principles of Human Rights July 11-15, 2022 (The course was subsequently offered every second week of the month, starting July 2022.
#ThereIsHelp Freedom of Expression Search Prompt on Twitter, to engage the public in an informed discussion on freedom of expression concerns Ongoing
International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Digital Safe House project, which provides a safe digital space and support network for women journalists in the Philippines (link) December 2021 to present IMS
Safety Handbook for Journalists by Abeer Saady (link to 2017 edition; link to 2020 edition currently inaccessible) 2017 and 2020 (two editions)
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Relaunched Media Safety Offices in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao to monitor all forms of attacks against the media April 13, 2022
Asserting Press Freedom, Defending Democracy, an online forum on the “recent cases of attacks on the PH media, with a focus on how laws are being used to harass, intimidate and silence the independent press” August 30, 2022
Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMS) Maintains a database of cases of media killings, attacks, threats and harassment; Watchlist of Person/s of Interest; Quick Response System; dedicated 24/7 Hotline (+639178406790); and Facebook account Ongoing Office of the President
Published and distributed the “Handbook on Personal Security Measures for Media Practitioners” and issued a new edition 2019 and 2022 (two editions)
Broaden safety training for journalists to include physical, digital, psychosocial, and legal aspects and increase number of activities conducted, especially for those in far-flung areas · Safety training modules, including those for Training of Trainers (TOT), standardized · Journalists trained · Psychosocial intervention mechanisms established Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Strengthening Safety of Journalists and Professional Journalistic Standards in the Philippines Project: Capacity building program for Filipino journalists on professional and ethical conduct, with a focus on election reporting Three batches conducted from August to September 2021 UNESCO Jakarta with support from the Netherlands
Safeguarding Journalists and HRDs in the Philippines Project with IMS (2021-2022): Training of Trainers (ToT) and Basic Safety Training for journalists and human rights defenders (HRDs) September 26-30, 2022 and October 11-13, 2022 EU, IMS
Center for Community Journalism and Development (CCJD) Comprehensive (Physical, Digital, Legal, Psychological) Safety and Security Training for Journalists and Human Rights Defenders
Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Various training activities on documenting EJKs, psychosocial and peer counseling, and digital and physical security Ongoing
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Holistic Safety Training (HST) for Women Journalists (2022) 2022 USAID, Internews
Safety Guide for Journalists with translations in English, Bisaya, and Tagalog (link) 2020 USAID, Internews
Develop or enhance gender sensitivity program for journalists and media practitioners · Workplace policies and protocols on gender sensitivity developed and implemented · Gender sensitivity integrated in training programs Commission on Human Rights (CHR) e-Report sa Gender Ombud, CHR’s monitoring and response to gender-based violence during the pandemic Ongoing
International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Philippines, with IAWRT International, Photojournalists’ Center of the Philippines (PCP), and National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Digital Safe House Project: Two webinars on gender sensitivity September 25, 2021 October 30, 2021 IMS
Set up a system or process to document attacks on women journalists including the nature of attacks, as well as encourage and assist them to file formal complaints System to document attacks developed and tested · Documentation reports prepared · Disaggregated database established · Knowledge products developed · Formal complaints filed and documented Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) Microsite on killings, threats, and attacks on journalists (link) Ongoing Initial development was funded by the EU under the Safeguarding Press Freedom in the Philippines Project (2018-2020)
International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Digital Safe House project, which provides a safe digital space and support network for women journalists in the Philippines (link) 2021 Internews
Develop or enhance programs for the safety and health of male and female journalists and media workers · Wellness and psychosocial programs for male and female journalists and media workers developed and operational · Grievance machinery observed as functional in the workplace (e.g., women’s desk, hotline, gender-sensitive human resources unit) AccessNow The Manila office 24/7 Digital Security Helpline provides “comprehensive, real-time technical assistance to users at risk, including civil society groups, activists, journalists, and human rights defenders” in the Philippines. Ongoing
Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (PECOJON) Hotline: Peer-to-Peer Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Workers in Media 2021 Internews
Develop protection program for campus journalists · Legal assistance provided to campus journalists, e.g., by law schools · Paralegal training and seminar activities conducted · Academia, CSOs and NGOs, independent constitutional bodies, press and broadcast associations

Action Output Institution Activity Date/Period Funder
Review and work for the reform of laws currently impeding and endangering freedom of expression and the press · Relevant laws reviewed · Amendments proposed · Media development organizations, press and broadcast associations, CSOs, independent constitutional bodies, government agencies, international organizations and UN agencies
Develop a legal support mechanism and defense fund for journalists, media workers, and their families by strengthening partnerships with lawyers’ groups (e.g., IBP, NUPL, FLAG) · Mechanism for legal defense fund developed and operational Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Tanggol Karapatan, an electronic lawyering service Ongoing
National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL) Two online consultations as legal consultant September 6, 2022 and November 11, 2022
Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) Safe in Custody Project, in partnership with the PNP-Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO) Ongoing
National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Project Lawfare, a “legal safety program that aims to respond to cases of judicial harassment committed against Filipino journalists” April 2023 Internews, USAID
Develop and conduct policy advocacy in partnership with the Supreme Court, Department of Justice, Public Attorney’s Office, National Bureau of Investigation National Prosecution Service · Relevant policy advocacy issuances and materials developed to help hasten the investigation and prosecution process Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and Department of Justice (DOJ) DOJ, CHR data sharing agreement on vital AO35 cases of extra-legal killings, enforced disappearances, torture and other human rights violations Ongoing
Promote the collective filing of cases on attacks, harassment, and impunity issues · Cases in and out of the workplace investigated · Cases filed by collaborating institutions Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Digital archives (KIBO) – a repository of CHR’s collection of digital assets (videos, audio files, etc.), with the intention of providing long-term access to information with varying evidential, legal, or contextual value Ongoing
National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL) Filing of petition for review of writ of amparo and writ of habeas data (link) Ongoing

Action Output Institution Activity Date/Period Funder
Identify and document good labor practices in the newsroom in the context of women and male journalists’ welfare and safety as models for replication · Published and shared case studies on good labor practices in the newsroom · CSOs and NGOs, media development organizations, media houses and news organizations, press and broadcast associations, government agencies, international organizations and UN agencies
Develop knowledge products such as a guide on cultural and traditional practices including those of Muslim groups and indigenous peoples · Manual produced for journalists and editors, media houses and news organizations, press and broadcast associations, as well as academe and other sectors · Government agencies, CSOs and NGOs, academia
Increase public awareness and knowledge about the role of media in democracy and how journalist safety issues affect all citizens · Research conducted on communities’ perceptions on the role of media in democracy · National and local multi-stakeholder public outreach programs/campaigns designed and implemented in identified areas across the country · CHR advisories on press freedom and attacks against journalists disseminated Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Inventory of Global and Local Resources on Journalist Safety on AIJC website (link) Ongoing UNESCO
Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) Annual Jaime V. Ongpin Journalism Seminar on media responsibility and protection of press freedom (link to landing page; link to list of 2021 panelists) Annual
Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation (D&D) Conferences and workshops · Spot the Difference, Make the Difference (Virtual Fact-Checking Workshop) · Fact-Checking Workshop: Digital Approaches to Journalism for Media Practitioners and Information Officers January 29, 2021 and April 14, 2021
Small grants facility for research studies, such as “Linking media system and disinformation vulnerability in Southeast Asia” by Cleave Arguelles of the Australian National University and Jose Maria Lanuza of the University of the Philippines-Manila 2021
Fighting the Big Lie: A lecture series on democracy and disinformation, in partnership with The Asian Center for Journalism at ADMU December 6-7, 2021 and December 9-10, 2021
Philippine Press Institute (PPI) Online Seminar: Workshop on Safety of Journalists and Media Workers in Time of Crisis November 4, 2020
Media Killings and the Culture of Impunity (Online Forum Commemorating Ampatuan Massacre November 23, 2020
Scholastic Press Outreach Training Program, including PPI’s own module on fact-checking Ongoing
Research project: Democracy Resilience, Media Literacy and Voter’s Education (link)
Research project: Reporting in the ‘New Normal’: Filipino Journalistic Practices in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic · Orientation for PPI members · Orientation for non-PPI journalists March 25, 2022 and March 26, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Webinar: Defending the Truth: History and Journalism as Antidotes to Disinformation July 20, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Webinar: Media Under Attack October 19, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Series of Roundtable Discussions, one attended by PNP PIO chief Col. Redrico Maranan
Nine podcast episodes on the role of media in a democracy
Public forum on historical distortion and fighting disinformation
Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMS) Webinars, seminars, and other events for journalists and citizens, e.g., press freedom caravan, webinar series 2018-2022 Office of the President
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Two-day in-person training with women journalists in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) region, in collaboration with the Mindanao Institute of Journalism (MIJ), ahead of the May 2022 elections April 28-29, 2022
Journalism Studies Association of the Philippines (JSAP), in cooperation with Philippine Press Institute (PPI) JSAP National Conference 2022: Off the Record: Untold Stories of Journalists During the May 2022 Elections and Beyond July 9, 2022 Hanns Seidel Foundation
Strengthen regional membership of existing nationwide associations of MIL and Communication teachers to promote the teaching of journalist safety in schools · Partnership strategies developed between the academic and media outlets · Integration of journalist safety in the curriculum of journalism schools ensured · Advocacy with media agencies conducted · Workshops and conferences, where journalist safety is discussed, conducted · Recommendations made to media outlets for providing a better work environment for practicing and potential journalists Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Journalist Safety syllabus (Integration of “Safety of Journalists” in the Curricula of Philippine Journalism Schools, 2018), and updating (Workshop on Integrating Journalist Safety in the Journalism Curriculum, 2020) 2020 UNESCO
Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) #RealTalk: Para All, Free to Speak – an online series discussing pressing issues Ongoing
Buhat Mo, Buhat Ko – a campaign helping exact truth and justice Ongoing
Undertake study to identify effective safety practices and mechanisms for adoption and replication · Study findings published and disseminated · Media development organizations, media houses and news organizations, press and broadcast associations, government agencies, independent constitutional bodies, CSOs and NGOs