Quick Questions

Simply Answered.

  • A graduate of any four-year course or a bachelors’ degree holder, preferably in journalism or communication.
  • A graduate of any four-year course or a bachelor’s degree holder of any course and with work experience in any communication-related job; and in addition, he or she will need to take 6 units to bridge the knowledge in the field of communications.

The AIJC Graduate School challenges the traditional concept of graduate education through innovative and pioneering courses, learning approaches, and teaching methods. It uses the blended learning mode of instruction, utilizing both face-to-face and online methods. It also provides students with practical and relevant education through their involvement in AIJC’s research projects and networking with partners.

The MA in Communication program aims to develop graduates who are able to

  1. apply and evaluate communication models and theories;
  2. apply interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives in examining communication issues and challenges;
  3. conduct communication media policy analysis and craft policy options;
  4. identify and examine the communication elements of local, national, and global development issues and challenges;
  5. manage communication institutions, programs, projects and resources especially those which highlight communication in development work;
  6. plan and manage communication research programs and projects;
  7. design and manage KM projects and programs;
  8. plan and evaluate communication products, services and programs;
  9. design, manage, and evaluate communication education and training programs;
  10. address communication issues and problems through consultancy work; and
  11. apply ethical standards in the practice of the communication profession.

The MA in Journalism program aims to develop graduates who are able to

  1. apply and evaluate communication models and theories in journalism practice and study;
  2. conduct journalism studies and propose policy options and action agenda;
  3. plan and develop journalism programs for different news formats and platforms;
  4. manage news organizations, programs, and projects;
  5. advocate for journalism in development issues (e.g., inequity, injustice, poverty, corruption) and development areas (e.g., health, environment, education, literacy, science and technology);
  6. design, manage, and evaluate journalism education and training programs;
  7. provide leadership in journalism education and training; and
  8. apply ethical standards in the practice of the journalism profession

The applicant must

  • be a holder of a baccalaureate degree, preferably in communication or allied/related programs, including the social sciences, from a recognized Higher Education Institution (HEI)
  • submit the following to the Registrar’s Office before the written examination and interview:
  • Filled-out application form
  • Copy of transcript of records for undergraduate degree/s completed, which must show a high scholastic performance of B+ or better, or its equivalent.
  • Certification of grades for graduate courses completed.
  • Two (2) recommendation letters from past or current employers or former professors. The letters should attest to the applicant’s characteristics of being results-oriented and career-driven, his or her capability to pursue further studies, and a strong commitment to the communication profession.
  • take and pass the written entrance examination that assesses critical thinking and writing capability
  • go through an interview with the Dean or a designated official or faculty member to assess the applicant’s aptitude and motivation to pursue and complete further studies, conduct research, and apply advanced knowledge in professional practice


Once officially informed of his or her acceptance, the applicant must submit the following:


  • Original transcript of records for the undergraduate degree completed
  • Certification of grades for graduate courses completed, if any
  • Photocopy of college diploma
  • Updated curriculum vitae or resume
  • Two copies of 1 x 1 color picture taken within the last six months


If the applicant is from overseas, she or he must submit the following, in addition to the documents stated above:


  • Certificate of Eligibility and Student Permit from the Commission of Higher Education (CHED)
  • A copy of the foreign applicant’s Alien Certification and Registration


The applicant will be assigned an interim adviser to discuss his or her prospective course work.


The applicant can then enroll, and he or she will be issued a school ID, a library card and class cards.