Online References on Journalist Safety Amidst COVID-19

Reporting and Covering COVID-19

  1. Coronavirus: Resources for Reporters
  2. Reporting and Covid-19: Tips for Journalists
  3. Covering Coronavirus:  Advice for Video Journalists
  4. Working With Victims and Survivors
  5. Covering Coronavirus: An Online Course For Journalists
  6. Editor Perspective: Self-Care Practices and Peer Support for the Newsroom
  7. How Journalists Around The World Are Covering The Coronavirus
  8. Mental Health Tips And Resources For Journalists
  9. Reporting The Covid-19 Unknown:  How Reporters In Philippines  Do Their Job
  10. Self Care Tips for News Media
  11. Tips for News Managers: Covering Pandemics
  12. Tips for Reporting on Pandemics
  13. What Investigative Reporters Around The World Need To Be Asking About Covid-19
  14. Google, Facebook And Twitter Could Do More To Surface Fact-Checks About Coronavirus
  15. Coronavirus: Fact-Checkers From 30 Countries Are Fighting 3 Waves Of Misinformation


Economic Effects of COVID-19 on Media

  1. Timor Leste: Media Workers Face Salary Cuts During Covid-19 Pandemic
  2. Covid-19 Ravages Kenya’s Media Industry
  3. Croatia: Why are Journalists Not Covered in Government’s Emergency Measures?
  4. India: Multiple Media Outlets Lay Off Staff and Cut Pay During Covid-19
  5. Indonesia: Media Companies Cut Salaries in the Midst of Covid-19





Economic and Other Forms of Protection for Media in the age of COVID-19

  1. Australia: Regional Media Offered Covid-19 Lifeline
  2. Being a Journalist in Italy
  3. Governments and Employers Must Do More to Protect Workers
  4. Pakistan: Union Secures Punjab Covid-19 Relief Package
  5. Somalia: Government Recognises Media as  Essential Service in the Fight Against COVID – 19



Other Threats Faced by Media Amidst COVID-19

  1. Twenty-four Rights-Groups Call on Turkey to  Release all Those Arbitrarily Detained, Now at Risk of Covid-19
  2. Brazil: President Bolsonaro Targeting Professional Journalists  during COVID-19 Pandemic
  3. Burundi: Media Freedom at Stake Ahead of Presidential Elections
  4. Cambodia: Journalist Arrested for Reporting  Hun Sen’s Advice on Covid-19
  5. China: Three Citizen Journalists Vanish;  Authorities Tighten Controls Amid COVID-19 Crisis
  6. China: IFJ Urges Chinese Authorities to Ensure Free Flow of Information
  7. COVID-19: IFJ and EFJ Urge Turkish Government  Not to Discriminate Against Political Prisoners
  8. COVID-19: IFJ Urges European Governments  Not to Limit and Control Press Conference Questions
  9. COVID-19: Serbian Government Must Guarantee  Free Flow of Information
  10. COVID-19: Restrictions on Access to Information in Romania
  11. Hungary: New Law Uses Covid-19 to Tackle Press Freedom
  12. Iran: Government Orders Nationwide Ban on Print Publications
  13. Iraq Bans Reuters Following Covid-19 report
  14. Jordan: Two Media Executives Arrested Following  Broadcasting of Virus Complaints
  15. Nepal: Media Rights Violations Go Unabated Amid the Lockdown
  16. South East Asia: Concerns over Authoritarian Clampdown
  17. Ukraine: Journalist Attacked While Investigating Sale of Protective Masks

Conference/consultation/ presentation materials

Concept notes

  1. Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity

Consultation outcome documents

  1. Strengthening the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity: Consultation Outcome Document, August 16, 2017


  1. Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity Programme

Slide presentations

  1. Course Syllabus Writing for Blended Learning
  2. Some Challenges in Adopting the UNESCO Model Curricula for Journalism Education
  3. UNESCO Model Curricula for Journalism Education (Listing of UNESCO Core Competencies)
  4. Competence Goals of the 2006 Tartu Declaration of the European Journalism Training Association