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Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

Mainstreaming Media and Information Literacy (MIL) with the Youth
AIJC is working with youth organizations in the Philippines in
mainstreaming media and information literacy (MIL) through workshops and coaching sessions.
These initiatives started in 2020, under the MIL in Youth Civic Engagement in the Philippines Project implemented by AIJC with support from UNESCO and in cooperation with the National Youth Commission.
In September 2020 and January 2021, AIJC engaged the first and second batches of youth organizations in MIL Orientation and Planning Workshops, where the participants drafted action plans on how to integrate MIL into their organizational policies and activities. Phone consultations were also scheduled with participating organizations with limited internet access.
In the coaching sessions that followed, participating organizations were guided in the finalization and implementation of their MIL action plans.
This is only the beginning, as AIJC will continue to engage with more youth organizations and partners!
MIL Framework in Youth Civic Engagement in the Philippines
The MIL Framework in Youth Civic Engagement in the Philippines may be downloaded here.
This is a strategy document that will help generate MIL engagement among youth organizations in the country, and stimulate national MIL-related policies in favor of the youth. It was prepared by the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) together with relevant government agencies, the National Youth Commission (NYC) and the National Council for Children’s Television (NCCT); fellow MIL advocates, including the Philippine Association of Media and Information Literacy (PAMIL), Break the Fake Movement, and the Out of the Box (OOTB) Media Literacy Initiative; and participating youth organizations.
Youth organizations, MIL advocates, educators, and other stakeholders are encouraged to contribute to the implementation of the proposed actions in the framework.
For partnership proposals and questions/feedback on the framework, please email rpa@aijci.com.
Videos produced under the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in Youth Civic Engagement in the Philippines Project
News literacy videos produced under the Developing Champion Teachers in News Literacy Project by the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) with Google, Love Frankie and the University of Hong Kong
News literacy module produced under the Developing Champion Teachers in News Literacy Project by the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) with Google, Love Frankie and the University of Hong Kong
The news literacy module is intended to provide Media and Information Literacy (MIL) teachers in Senior High School with a framework for teaching news literacy as part of the MIL course.
If you have any queries, please email the AIJC Research, Policy, and Advocacy Unit at rpa@aijci.com.