Ramon R. Tuazon

immediate past president of AIJC

Ramon R. Tuazon is the Secretary General of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) and Senior Media Development Specialist at the UNESCO Myanmar Office.   He is immediate past president and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC). He is the chairman of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Technical Committee for Communication (TCC) and member of the CHED Technical Working Group for Graduate Programs.   AMIC is an international NGO registered in 1971 as a non-profit charity in Singapore, which transferred its operations to Manila in 2015. It is an association of communication professionals in the Asia-Pacific region.   AIJC, founded in 1980, is an institution engaged in research, policy, and advocacy and continuing education inclusive of graduate education and short-term, non-degree training programs in communication, journalism, and knowledge management. Mr. Tuazon was President of AIJC from 2007 to 2020.   Mr. Tuazon has over 35 years of experience in strategic communication planning, management, and evaluation in communication agencies and development programs.  His engagements in the latter are as team leader/project manager or member in international and national programs/projects in diverse areas such as communication media, formal and non-formal education, literacy, children’s rights, agriculture and rural development, environment, renewable energy, and judicial reform and rule of law. These programs/projects were supported by bilateral and multilateral agencies including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Union, various UN agencies (including UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, UN-OCHA), and EU-based NGOs including various German foundations, International Media Support (IMS), and NOREF. He was the Project Director of the EU-funded Safeguarding Press Freedom in the Philippines (2018-March 2020) which produced the world’s first national plan of action on the safety of journalists, anchored on the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.   Mr. Tuazon has also rendered technical services in Myanmar, Bhutan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Maldives, and France. These services include communication planning and management, social mobilization, policy advocacy, capacity development, media relations, curriculum planning and development, and teaching-learning materials development.  Aside from his current post as Senior Media Development Specialist for Myanmar, he has served UNESCO in various capacities including as representative of the UNESCO Regional Director to the UN Country Team in the Philippines.   As UNESCO Media Development Specialist in Myanmar from the last quarter of 2012 to early 2014, he worked with the quasi-civilian government to lay down the groundwork for the mass media transition to a free press. His work included policy advocacy and capacity development. At the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, his work included resource mobilization. He was project coordinator of the first Model Journalism Curricula Project of UNESCO in Paris.  Mr. Tuazon made significant contributions in education in the Philippines and elsewhere. Before assuming his current roles in the Commission on Higher Education, he was a member of the CHED Technical Panel for Social Sciences and Communication and convener of the CHED consultations for the Revision of Policies and Guidelines in the Selection of Centers of Excellence and Centers of Development. In addition, he was Communication and Advocacy Consultant for the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) of the Philippines’ Department of Education.  He was co-author of Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers (UNESCO Paris, 2011) and Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think Critically, Click Wisely, Second Edition (UNESCO Paris, 2021). He has conducted for UNESCO several Media and Information Literacy (MIL) workshops in Ethiopia (for Eastern African countries), Morocco (for Arab countries), Guangzhou, China (for Asia-Pacific countries), Russia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Timor Leste, and the Philippines.   Mr. Tuazon successfully lobbied for the inclusion of MIL as a core subject in the basic education (K to 12) curriculum of the Philippines. He was consultant of Deutsche Welle Akademie in 2017 on the integration of MIL in Cambodia’s School Curriculum for Grade 12. He was lead consultant in the crafting of the Myanmar MIL Framework (2019). He was a member of the UNESCO Experts Group involved in the preparation of the Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Guidelines (2019) and he currently provides advice in the design of Media, Information and Digital Literacy Framework for Cambodia (2021-2022).   He has co-authored six books, co-edited 15 books/monographs, written over 10 handbooks/ modules, published numerous articles in international and national books, journals, and monographs.   He has contributed to several international publications including The Philippines in Media and Information Literacy Education in Asia (UNESCO Bangkok, 2020),  Digital Threats and Attacks on the Philippine Alternative Press: Range, Responses, and Remedies (IGI Global, 2020), Defending Journalism (International Media Support, 2017), The Assault on Journalism: Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression (NORDICOM, 2017), Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (NORDICOM, 2013), and Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media (UNESCO, 2012). He was a member of the advisory board of the UNESCO Word Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development Global Report 2017/2018 and peer reviewer for the UNESCO publication, Global Media Information Literacy Assessment Framework: Country Readiness and Competencies (2013). He contributed to and wrote the foreword for the book, Handbook of Research on Discrimination, Gender Disparity, and Safety Risks in Journalism (2021).    Mr. Tuazon received his Master in Communication Management degree from AIJC and Bachelor of Science in Commerce degree from the University of Santo Tomas, where he also took graduate work in advertising.  

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