Research, Policy & Advocacy
Vision Statement
AIJC-RPA is a lead service provider for development-oriented research, policy, and advocacy initiatives in collaboration with multilateral and bilateral institutions, government agencies, and civil society.
The Research, Policy, and Advocacy (RPA) program of AIJC generates new knowledge and innovations that enrich the content and approach of its academic and professional development programs and provide policy options to government and the private sector. Areas of expertise include change management; organizational communication and communication audit; design, implementation and evaluation of development communication programs and communication management systems; and development and production of multimedia materials.
RPA outputs have been integrated in major national development plans and programs on communication media, information and communication technology (ICT), education, environment and sustainable development, children and women, and judicial reform.AIJC has contributed to the development of policy options in communication media and ICT. It has also produced policy studies and convened multi-sectoral communication policy forums.
Development programs where the Institute has served as consultant have been funded by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank; UN agencies including UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, ILO and FAO; and bilateral agencies, such as the EU Delegation to the Philippines, USAID, CIDA, AusAid, and various German foundations.
Executing agencies for these programs include government line agencies, such as the Department of Education (DepED), Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Energy (DOE), Agrarian Reform (DAR), Justice (DOJ), Health (DOH), Agriculture (DA), and Interior and Local Government (DILG), Office of the President, Supreme Court of the Philippines, Office of the Ombudsman, Bureau of Internal Revenue, and Bureau of Customs.
Consultancy services have been provided by AIJC officials and faculty in other Asian countries, such as Sri Lanka, Maldives, Lao PDR, Pakistan, Timor Leste, Bhutan, and Myanmar, and in UNESCO Paris and UNESCO offices in Jakarta, Bangkok, and Myanmar.