Dr. Florangel Rosario-Braid

co-founder and President Emeritus of the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC)

From the field of media and broadcasting in 1986, Olivia Villafuerte “moved over” to the academe, not by design but by force of circumstance in 2008.  Graduating with a Communication Arts degree, cum laude, from the Philippine Women’s University, she took her master’s degree in Radio and Television Production and Broadcasting from Northwestern University School of Speech, Evanston Illinois. She served her internship at WGN TV Chicago where she received intensive training in TV production and direction.  After completion of her internship, she worked with J. Walter Thompson in Chicago, Illinois as Advertising and Research Assistant for 18 months.  Her media experience started with the lifting of Martial Law in the country in 1986, joining the first batch of ABS CBN employees, reopening the network. She chose news as her focus and was staff producer and investigative reporter for the ABS CBN News and Current Affairs Department from 1986-1993, assigned to the night desk shift and covering many “hazard assignments”’ in NPA country and other disaster coverages.   While in the News Department, she realized her dream when she was assigned as alternate TV Director for TV Patrol, then the top daily live news TV program. She handled several public service programs for the network including the daily morning live programs of news anchors Korina Sanchez and Noli de Castro, and was TV director for Senator Loren Legarda’s programs until 1993, when she moved to the newly opened ABC Channel 5 network. As News Manager, she organized the News and Current Affairs department patterning it after CNN. On its first year ABC TV 5 received three news awards from the CMMA, (Catholic Mass Media Awards), Best News Documentary, Best News Caster, Randy David and Best Tagalog Program, keeping her promise to the then ABC President Edward U Tan.   From ABC 5, she moved on to “non-mainstream” media and broadcasting companies in late 1993, among these, as Vice President for SBN TV, a UHF network of provincial stations, on to Vintage Television, as Vice President for Television Production, with the PBA Basketball games as the main production.   In 2008, a call from her Alma Mater beckoned as she was offered to set up and organize the TV production department, producing learning modules for distance education, a vision of then Philippine Women’s University President Jose Conrado   Benitez. This was a complete change for her. It turned out to be a “learning experience” as she straddled the jobs of TV production and educational materials preparation. This was when she met her Epiphany.   She was appointed Alumni Director and Marketing Manager from 2010-2014. She handled first year sections teaching values formation subjects in 2014-2015.  She reluctantly accepted the appointment as Dean of the largest academic department, the School of Arts and Sciences from 2014-2019, concurrently Program Chair for Communications from 2014 to the present and adviser to the University Social Media Working Group, planning and implementing the University’s social media marketing activities.   She was then appointed as member of the CHED Technical Committee for Communications, then Broadcasting from 2007-2010, and a member of the Regional Quality Assurance Team (RQAT) for Communications from 2015 to the present.  She was invited to be a member of the Board of Trustees of Asian Institute of Journalism and Communications in 2006), and is on the Board of Directors of the Asian Media and Information Centre, based in PWU. In 2020 she was appointed President of the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication.   A staunch believer in volunteerism, she is National Secretary and Standing Committee Chair in the Central Board of the Girls Scouts of the Philippines and has been adult volunteer since 1998. She sits on the Board of the National Council of Women of the Philippines and the Zonta Club of Makati and Environs. 

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