The Role of AI in Enhancing Fact-Checking Efficiency

Back in 2022, the Philippines earned the rather daunting title of “patient zero” in the global fight against disinformation. This was largely due to the country’s struggle with misinformation and the growing concern about how generative AI could be used to spread false information.

In the past year, there’s been a notable shift. Journalists and fact-checkers are now turning to AI to help tackle disinformation. These advanced tools are helping analyze a wide range of media—text, images, audio, and video—speeding up the fact-checking process and allowing for quicker responses to false claims.

Gone are the days when fact-checking was a simple matter of cross-referencing sources. Today, disinformation campaigns are more sophisticated, flooding the internet with massive amounts of similar content across multiple platforms, often sticking to a consistent, deceptive narrative. This makes it challenging to separate fact from fiction.

AI steps in by spotting patterns and flagging potential disinformation before it spreads too widely. It can also catch subtle inconsistencies that might escape the human eye.

One of the standout tools in this fight is This platform allows fact-checkers to dive into the origins and spread of content on social media. By searching for specific posts and tracking their dissemination across Facebook, helps identify coordinated disinformation efforts and see how false narratives gain traction. This kind of tailored search capability is invaluable for understanding and countering the spread of misinformation, especially in a country where Facebook is a primary news source.

In the ongoing battle against false information, generative AI is more than just a tool—it’s a powerful ally. When used correctly, it has the potential to restore integrity to our digital spaces, helping us navigate the murky waters of misinformation and disinformation.

For information about short courses on AI offered by the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC), email

AIJC’s short courses on AI for 2024:

AI in Digital Media and Publishing:

AI for SEO and Content Optimization:

AI in Content Creation and Marketing:

Text by Janess Ann J. Ellao

Professional Development Program

Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication