Discover the pulse of journalism excellence with the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) Graduate School's Master of Arts in Journalism Program. Crafted for professionals immersed in the dynamic landscape of media and communication, this program empowers individuals across all channels—be it traditional newspapers, online platforms, television, radio, or the ever-evolving realm of social media.

Focused on honing both knowledge and skills, our program equips students with the tools to navigate news development, analyze current journalistic issues, scrutinize industry practices, and seamlessly integrate cutting-edge ICT into newsroom operations.

Led by a distinguished faculty comprising renowned academics, communication specialists, seasoned print and broadcast journalists, and ICT experts, our program cultivates an environment ripe for intellectual growth and professional advancement.

Join us at AIJC Graduate School and embark on a journey to redefine journalism excellence, where tradition meets innovation and every story finds its voice.

Applicants for admission to the AIJC Graduate School may be admitted after satisfying the following requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in journalism or communication
  • Work experience in any communication-related job
  • Accomplished GS Online Application for Admission Form [Link Here] with attached documents:
    • Updated comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
    • Soft/Scanned Copy of Original Transcript of Records from previous college/University
    • Soft/Scanned Copy of School Diploma from previous college/University
    • Two letters of recommendation from previous professors and/or employers
    • Hi-Resolution 1×1 ID picture with white background
    • Proof Payment for PhP1,050.00 Admissions Fee (Bank Details will be in the Link)
  • 1-on-1 Admission Test and Interview [To be Scheduled]

In addition, Foreign students should present a Certificate of Eligibility and Study Permit from the Department of Education, and a copy of their Alien Certification and Registration.

Transferees may submit a true copy of their grades for assessment; relevant courses may be credited toward the AIJC program they want to pursue.



We want to make it easy yet still comprehensive and hands-on by leveraging digital tools to aid in your admission journey.

Step 1: Accomplish the GS Online Application Form and submit the required documents [Link Here]

Step 2: Once confirmed, our Admissions Officer will verify your Interview and Entrance Exam Schedule via Mobile/Email.

Step 3: Ace the 1-on-1 Live Online Test and Interview (allot 2 hours).

Step 4: When you succeed, you will receive an Acceptance Letter (which would contain the Enrollment Rates) and a Conforme which you’ll need to sign and send a copy to our admissions officer.

Step 5: Process the Tuition Fee Payment via Bank Transfer and send Proof of Payment via Mobile/Email to our admissions officer.

Step 6: Once all is done, you’ll receive the Schedule of Classes and an exclusive invitation to join the AIJC MS Teams App Group.

*Check the Enrollment Schedule Here.

Are you a continuing student? Please click here.

AIJC’s ladderized Master’s Program enables the student to acquire knowledge and skills in journalism and communication at three levels:

  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma
  • Master’s Degree

The courses are clustered, giving the student a set of usable skills, and in-depth knowledge about a specific area as they proceed from one level to the next.

Courses are taught in the blended mode, combining face-to-face and online methods. Course content integrates research outputs of AIJC’s research and development project

Graduate Certificate

First 15 Units

Graduate Diploma

Second 12 Units

Master’s Degree

Final 12 Units

Graduate Certificate

  • Craft of Communication (Craft of Writing)

    3 Units

  • Communication Issues

    3 Units

  • Knowledge Management

    3 Units

Major Courses: (6 units)

Any two of the following:

  • News Development Techniques

    3 Units

  • Civic Journalism

    3 Units

  • Investigative Journalism

    3 Units

  • Economic and Finance Reporting

    3 Units

  • Science and Technology Communication

    3 Units

Graduate Diploma

Graduate Certificate(15 units) + 12 units

Required Major Courses (6 units)

  • Advanced Communication Theory

    3 Units

  • Information and Communication Technology Planning

    3 Units

Elective Courses (6 units)

Any two of the following:

  • Online Journalism

    3 Units

  • Broadcast Journalism

    3 Units

  • Photojournalism

    3 Units

  • Communication and Governance

    3 Units

  • Editorial Clinic

    3 Units

  • Communication Media Laws and Ethics

    3 Units

  • Development Communication

    3 Units

  • Development Environment of Communication

    3 Units

Master of Arts in Journalism

Graduate Certificate(15 units) + Graduate Diploma(12 units) + 12 units

  • Communication Research Methods

    3 Units

  • Statistics Applied to Communication

    3 Units

  • Thesis/Special Project

    6 Units

What You Get:

  • Schedule Online Live Sessions via Zoom Professional
  • Recorded Session Library Available
  • PDF E-Modules
  • AIJC E-Book Library
  • In-Person Huddles/Events
  • AIJC Hybrid Graduation Ceremony

Class Schedules:

  • Monday – Friday, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 NOON, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

*Manila, Philippine Time

Recognized by:

Communication and Good Governance (221)

Role and functions of communication in public and corporate governance.  Includes formal and informal methods of communicating effective messages to diverse audiences; how to create open communication with stakeholders; and get inputs from them for effective policy and program formulation.  Also covers communication and democracy, politics and media.

Communication Media Laws and Ethics (222)

Legal principles and laws affecting mass media and communication.  In addition to laws on press freedom, libel, obscenity and pornography, among others.  The course will also include intellectual property rights, e-commerce, and other rules and regulations on mass media, telecommunications and electronic media (including the internet). 

Development Communication (223)

The course begins with a review of development models and theories including development criteria and indicators.  Development is viewed from a comprehensive perspective, i.e. economic, political and socio-cultural.  Also discussed are development issues and concerns at the global, national and local community level. Development communication as a theory, process and content will be the focus of the course.  Case studies in the application of Dev Com will be presented preferably in the following areas: governance, reforms, sustainable development and social development.  Tools in Dev Com planning, management, monitoring and evaluation are also included. 

Development Environment of Communication (224)

A critical survey and analysis of the present socio-cultural, economic and political environment of the country; and the megatrends in these sectors which affect the communication structures and processes through policies, ownership structure, and production and delivery services. The desired vision of society, and trends in the global society provide a framework for design of future communication system. Concepts such as development, autonomy, plurality, social justice, self-reliance, and other development criteria are also discussed. 

Online Journalism (225)

Describes online resources for the journalist.  Includes cyber features that can facilitate the different journalistic tasks, from delineating and researching a topic to writing up, interactive editing, story submission, publishing, and gathering reader feedback.  The course provides basic know-how in online research, utilizing search engines, accessing portals and websites, accessing databases.  This also discusses law and ethics in online journalism, and reviews issues such as intellectual property rights (IPR), copyright, and the fair-use clause as they apply to electronic materials. Provides an overview of web publishing, including design that allows different types of interactivity.

Investigative Journalists:

  • This program caters to journalists committed to uncovering truths, exposing wrongdoing, and holding power to account. It offers specialized training in investigative reporting techniques, data journalism, and ethical considerations, empowering journalists to produce in-depth, impactful stories that drive societal change.

Foreign Correspondents:

  • Journalists from international locations face unique challenges in navigating cultural differences, language barriers, and geopolitical complexities. This program provides coursework in cross-cultural journalism, and conflict reporting, equipping correspondents with the skills to provide accurate, nuanced coverage of global events.

Broadcast News Producers:

  • For professionals working in television and radio news production, this program provides advanced training in storytelling, scriptwriting, and multimedia journalism. It equips producers with the skills to craft compelling news content, adapt to evolving audience preferences, and deliver accurate, timely news coverage across broadcast platforms.

Community News Reporters:

  • Local news reporters play a vital role in covering community events, issues, and interests that may otherwise go unnoticed. This program offers specialized training in community journalism, investigative reporting at the grassroots level, and multimedia storytelling, empowering reporters to serve as trusted voices within their communities and drive positive change.

Digital News Editors:

  • In the digital age, news editors must navigate rapidly changing media landscapes, audience behaviors, and technological advancements. This program offers specialized coursework in digital newsroom management, audience engagement strategies, and content curation, empowering editors to lead newsrooms effectively in the digital era.

Media Ethics and Law Practitioners:

  • Professionals specializing in media ethics and law play a crucial role in upholding journalistic integrity, defending press freedom, and navigating legal challenges in media practice. This program provides coursework in media ethics, media law, and professional standards, equipping practitioners with the knowledge and skills to navigate ethical dilemmas and legal frameworks in journalism practice.

Aspiring Photojournalists:

  • Visual storytelling plays a crucial role in modern journalism, capturing attention and conveying complex narratives through images. This program offers specialized training in photojournalism techniques, multimedia storytelling, and ethical considerations, empowering visual journalists to produce compelling, impactful stories across print and digital platforms.

Feature Writers and Magazine Editors:

  • This program caters to journalists specializing in long-form feature writing and magazine editing. It offers advanced training in narrative journalism, feature story structure, and editorial decision-making, empowering writers and editors to produce compelling, in-depth articles and publications that resonate with readers.